Gatwick Airport - Visual sketches produced for the departures security area showing family at walk-through scanner. Produced for customer before going to final 3D modelling.

Gatwick Airport - Visual sketches produced for the departures security area showing child at baggage scanner. Produced for customer before going to final
3D modelling.
3D modelling.

Gatwick Airport - Visual sketches produced for the departures security area showing parent at liquid disposal bin. Produced for customer before going to final 3D modelling.

Gatwick Airport - North Terminal Departure Lounge
Final images in situ
Final images in situ

Gatwick Airport - Artwork for the Brighton 'Pride' grandstand.

Gatwick Airport - Promotional animated GIF.

Gatwick Airport - Design and production for local residence newsletter cover.

Gatwick Airport - Design and production for local residence newsletter inside spread.

Gatwick Airport - Map design of the previous and new runway proposals